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Here Are 48 Blog Posts:

5 Multi POV Mistakes (And How To Avoid Them)

Telling a story through multiple viewpoints can be a great way to create a more expansive (and objective) look at your characters, world, plot, or theme. But, with each additional viewpoint character you add, the more room there is for story-ruining mistakes. However, if you know that writing a ...

How To Manage Your Creative Anxiety With Rhonda Douglas

If you’ve ever found yourself staring at the blank page or blinking cursor for long periods of time, trying to write but unable to find the right words, you might be suffering from creative anxiety. And if so, you’re not alone!  This is something all writers struggle with—no matter how many book...

5 Tips For Writing Better Fiction (Even If You're Just Starting Out)

Ever wish you could see a peek into someone else’s process? Or download the most impactful writing tips from all around the internet? ME TOO!  Although I can’t give you either of those things *exactly*, I asked a handful of my peers to send in their favorite writing tips for the most recent epis...

How To Stop Procrastinating: 5 Productivity Tips For Writers

One of the most common questions I get asked is, “How can I be a more productive writer? How can I make the most of my limited time so I can finish my book this year?”  And I get why this is such a common question… Thanks to social media, emails, text messages, and the millions of other notifica...

A Week in the Life: 7 Days Behind the Scenes with Savannah (March 2024)

In today’s episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes with me throughout my entire work week, and I’m going to share with you what I’m working on, what big projects I’m focused on right now, and basically, anything that happens during the week, including any fun or interesting insights that come u...

What Are Obligatory Scenes And Conventions?

Let’s pretend you’re in a bookstore, and you walk over to the romance section. And let’s say you grab a random book off the shelf full of romance novels. What would you expect from the book in your hands before you even read the first page? Maybe things like—a scene where the couple meets, a bud...

Save The Cat! Troubleshooting Common Plot Problems With Jessica Brody

What’s the difference between the All Is Lost beat and the Dark Night Of The Soul Beat? Does it matter if my Catalyst comes earlier than 12%? How do I know which beats are single-scene beats vs. multi-scene beats? If you’ve had any of these questions about the Save The Cat! plotting method, you’r...

Novel Writing Pitfalls: Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes

In this post, I’m sharing 5 of the most common mistakes I see writers make, as well as how you can avoid them. I want you to be able to identify these pitfalls so you can sidestep them and avoid the stress that comes from making the mistakes in the first place. Sound good? Let’s dive in!   No...

Student Spotlight: 5 Lessons Learned from Notes to Novel (Season 3)

Do you ever wish you could take a peek behind the scenes of other people's writing process? If so, you’re in for a treat!  I reached out to some of my Notes to Novel Season 3 students and asked them to share the number one thing they learned about outlining and writing a first draft, while actua...

How To Overcome The 5 Types Of Imposter Syndrome

Over 80% of the population experiences imposter syndrome at some point in their life.  It not only fills you with dread, but feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and skepticism about your talents, skills, and capabilities, too. And if left unchecked, it may even lead to you sabotaging your ...

Counting Down The Best Tips From FWME In 2023

In today’s episode, we’re going to do something fun and a little different. Since we’re nearing the end of 2023, I thought it would be fun to continue with last week’s theme of lessons learned over the last twelve months. I hope some of the lessons you’ve learned this year came from this podcast,...

Student Spotlight: How Fern Bernstein Wrote A Dual Timeline Novel Based On The Edies of Grey Gardens

I recently sat down for a conversation with Fern Bernstein about her debut novel, Staunch: The Edies of Grey Gardens.  In our conversation, we talked about her writing, editing, and publishing journey, including things like where the idea to write a fictionalized story about The Edies came from,...

Savannah is a developmental editor and book coach who helps fiction authors write, edit, and publish stories that work. She also hosts the top-rated Fiction Writing Made Easy podcast full of actionable advice that you can put into practice right away. Click here to learn more →