Notes to Novel 

Learn how to confidently write the first draft of a story you feel proud of (without the crippling self-doubt, frustration, and overwhelm that stops most writers in their tracks)


You’re here because you want to write a book. And chances are HIGH that like most of the writers I’ve worked with: 

You have a great idea for a story, but you don’t know how to turn it into a full-length novel that works. 

  • have some notes or even a basic story outline, but don't know how to turn them into an actual story

  • suffer from self-doubt, and wonder things like, Am I even good enough or smart enough to write a book? 

  • feel creatively stuck and don’t know how to move forward. Something is holding you back, but what?

  • have taken classes, read books, and listened to podcasts, but still don’t know how to write a book

  • have spent years working on the same story, but you still haven’t finished an entire first draft

  • worry that even if you do write a book, nobody will like it. And if that’s the case, why should you bother?

I get it. I’ve been there! And so have many other writers, just like you.

Even with the best intentions, most writers never end up finishing their drafts.

There’s a statistic that says 80% of adults want to write a book but only 3% ever do.

That means that 97% of people who want to write a book never finish. 

Why is that?

Without a clear, step-by-step process to follow, most writers get completely lost.

They end up trying to piece together all sorts of information from the internet, craft books, and conferences, to learn how to write a book, but they still can’t figure it out.

And this can be irreversibly crippling.

Trying to write a book (and failing) takes a significant amount of time and energy. 

And because of that, many writers spend years working on the same story, writing and re-writing the same chapters but never making any real progress toward a finished draft.

Most writers get frustrated, lose hope, and wind up feeling like they’re just “not good enough” to write a book.

And so they give up on their writing dreams altogether.

But it doesn’t have to be this way...

  • Imagine having a proven roadmap that will show you how to take your idea and turn it into a finished manuscript.

  • Imagine feeling confident and inspired to write when you sit down at your desk instead of overwhelmed, confused, and full of doubt.

  • Imagine knowing exactly what you need to work on (and when you need to work on it). No more second guessing or spinning your wheels.
  • Imagine having a finished draft that you can print out and hold in your hands, knowing it’s the absolute best you’ve ever created

This course will teach you how to confidently write a story you feel proud of without the crippling self-doubt, frustration, and overwhelm that stops most writers in their tracks.

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from coaching authors across all genres, and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation program that not only teaches you the high-level theory behind writing a story that works, how to EXECUTE what you’re learning, too. This program includes:

  • 30 lessons, across 6 modules, with step-by-step guidance on how to plan, outline, and write a high-quality first draft

  • Practical worksheets that  accompany each lesson so you can make progress on your draft as you learn

  • Access to the FAQ library that houses answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about writing a book

Real writers. Real results.

“This process removed the overwhelm of writing a book by giving me the exact steps I needed to take to finish my draft. By not having to worry about what to do next, I was finally able to concentrate on my story and make actual progress. Now, I'm proud to say that I have a finished draft, and I'm currently seeking representation for my book!”

- Josh Thompson, Fantasy Writer

“Over the years, I've tried to write by myself and never made any kind of progress. I was frustrated and about to give up on my novel when I found this course--and I'm so glad I did.  I learned more from working with Savannah than I have from years of my own research--and I finally finished an entire draft of my novel!”

- Amanda Norris, YA Writer

By the end of this program, you will have…

Nailed down the main genre of your story 

so that you can write a story that works and delivers on readers’ expectations

Uncovered and refined your story’s theme

so you can weave it into your plot, characters, and setting and create a cohesive story

Developed a cast of compelling characters

and settings that your readers will fall in love with and want to visit over and over

Created a well-structured, yet flexible outline

that will be your writing roadmap and help you make twice the progress in half the time

Mastered the art of crafting strong scenes

so that you don’t waste your time (or your words) writing pages that go nowhere

Gained the clarity and confidence to finish your draft

in the most efficient, effective, and fun way possible (without getting stuck in the middle)

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Real writers. Real results.

“This course helped me turn my idea into a complete draft! I usually don’t plan my story before writing, so I was hesitant to sign up knowing there was a whole module on outlining. But, I have to say, after taking this course, I've totally changed my mind. This course showed me that planning doesn’t have to be super structured—it can actually be inspiring and fun!”

- Jennifer Wagner, YA Fantasy Writer

“This course improved my confidence when it comes to writing a book. I've taken courses on writing before, but each course focused on a specific skill like writing dialogue or world-building. None of these one-off courses taught me how to put all these skills together to actually write a novel. This course is different. The lessons build on each other, so you can really see how each element contributes to the overall story. I will definitely come back to this course every time I have a new story idea. It's great!”

- Mark Lowery, Thriller Writer

Here's a Look at What's Inside the Notes to Novel™ Course:


Mindset: Writing an Efficient First Draft

In this module, we’re going to focus on your mindset so that you'll be able to write your draft in the most efficient way possible. I'll teach you a few mindset hacks plus some practical strategies that will help you finish every project that you start.

You will learn:

  • The #1 reason why so many novels go unfinished (and what do to instead)
  • A mindset shift that will help you write with as few roadblocks as possible
  • 3 practical strategies that will help you get to ‘The End’ of your draft


Genre: The Key to Writing a Great Novel

In this module, we’re going to take a deep dive into the content genre of your story. I’ll show you how your story’s genre can become the roadmap for writing a story that works and meets readers' expectations. You're going to love it!

You will learn:

  • The must-have conventions of your genre including characters and settings
  • 6 scenes that your story needs to have to ensure proper pacing and structure
  • How to uncover your story's theme so that it's present in everything you write


Crafting Compelling Characters & Settings

In this module, you'll flesh out your cast of characters and create your story's setting. I'll show you how to take the required elements of your genre and develop them further so that they feel unique and specific to your particular story.

You will learn:

  • How to develop and flesh out a cast of three-dimensional characters
  • Strategies for choosing the best point-of-view and tense for your story
  • 5 tips for creating an immersive real-life setting or a made-up story world


The Art of Outlining Your Novel

In this module, you’re going to start outlining! You’ll get a look at my in-depth, highly effective process for outlining your story in a way that helps you make twice the progress in half the time (without boxing you in or stifling your creativity).

You will learn:

  • A 5-step process for creating a well-developed, yet flexible story outline
  • How to layer in  subplots so that they feel like an organic part of your story
  • Strategies for pressure-testing your outline so that it's cohesive and solid


Scenes: The Building Blocks of Story

In this module, you'll learn how to take your outline and develop it one level deeper. I'll teach you how to write and structure compelling scenes that work every time. And I'll show you how to avoid the 5 most common scene-writing mistakes, too.

You will learn:

  • How to write a well-structured scene that hooks and holds readers' interest
  • Why you need to show AND tell in each of your scenes (and when to do which)
  • How to handle backstory and exposition so you’re not overwhelming readers


Writing Forward: Getting to “The End”

In this module, we’ll talk about how to make it to “The End” of your draft in the most efficient way possible. This module is all about giving you clarity (and all of my remaining tips and tricks) so that you feel confident and ready to write forward.

You will learn:

  • Tips for finishing your draft in the most efficient and effective way possible
  • How to troubleshoot the most common issues that pop up as you write
  • My #1 secret for keeping your documents updated as your story develops

What other Writers Have Said:

When you enroll during this special, limited time period, you’ll get:

  • The entire Notes to Novel™ Program including 30 lessons across 6 modules
  • Worksheets, cheat sheets, and checklists to help you implement what you're learning in real time 
  • Access to the FAQ Library with answers to the most commonly asked questions

When you add everything up, this program is easily worth $1,500...

But you can enroll in Notes to Novel™ today for just...

3 Monthly Payments of:



A One-Time Payment of:




Merchant Equipment Store Credit Card Logos

Real writers. Real results.

“Well worth the investment! This course transformed the way I write and changed the way I look at stories. Each lesson makes me think about things I would have never thought about on my own. I learned how to build a strong foundation for my story that helped anchor me as I wrote my draft. What a huge help!”

- Elaina Pentler, Romance Writer

“I had a TON of ideas for a story but no idea what to do with them. I write fantasy so I usually get consumed in world-building or creating cool magic systems, but all that doesn't make a story. And it can actually get quite overwhelming. Savannah helped me cut through the noise and focus on what was most important in my story and I finished my first 100,000-word draft! So excited!”

- Laura Michaels, Fantasy Writer

Plus, you’ll be backed by a 30-day risk-free guarantee

If you decide Notes to Novel™ isn’t for you, no worries! You can request a refund within 30-days of purchase and I'll give you all of your money back.

I offer this refund policy because it’s fair and simple to understand. I also believe so strongly in the contents of this program that I want you to see how life-changing this method can be, risk-free.

However, if you contact me more than 30-days after your purchase, I will not be able to offer a refund.


Real writers. Real results.

“I've accomplished more in one month working with Savannah than I have in 7 years of trying to piece together information on my own. For me, the best part of this experience was getting Savannah's advice on my story. She understood what I was trying to do with my story and helped me get what I saw in my head onto the page. I finally feel like I'm on the right track and I couldn't be happier with my progress!”

- Casey Reynolds, Fantasy Writer

“Savannah not only gives you a step-by-step plan to follow, but it makes writing a book feel fun instead of overwhelming. If you want to write a book, but you can't get started, you need to take this course. This is by far the easiest, most understandable course on writing I've ever taken. Very well done. Just sign up, your writing will thank you for it!”

- Kevin Miller, Horror Writer

Questions? I've got answers..

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Notes to Novel™ is PERFECT for you if...

  • You’re just getting started and want to do it right. You have a GREAT idea for a book—but you don’t know how to get started, so you haven't.

  • You’re SO over wasting time and energy trying all the different strategies you found online or in craft books. You want a proven path to follow so you can finish your book this year.

  • You’ve started writing a draft already, but now you’re feeling overwhelmed, or frustrated with your progress. You’re not afraid of doing the work, but you’re confused about how to move forward.

  • You have a first draft but it’s not great and you want to make it better before submitting it to agents or self-publishing. You’re open to change if it means writing a story that works.

  • You’d rather spend time doing the things you love (with the people you love) than spend your time trying to figure out how to write a book.

I can’t wait to help you write your novel...

As a certified developmental editor and book coach, I’m super passionate about helping fiction authors write, edit, and publish their books. 

After many years of working with writers one-on-one, I've developed a repeatable, step-by-step process that makes writing a novel feel less overwhelming and more fun. And that's exactly what I’ll share with you in this course.

There’s no fancy jargon. No overcomplicated strategies. Just clear, simple, and effective guidance that helps you finish your novel in the most efficient way possible so that you can finally share your story with the world.

So, if you're looking for a program that can save you time and money—and even make you fall in love with writing again—then, there's no better one than this!

See you inside the program!

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